Sunday, February 26, 2012

Respect & Restrain

IT was nice in old rambling Haven. The Angels were sweet but for one who had a cheese fur my whiskers

She tweaked them when she passed me by. 
She passed me by 100 times a day 
(i can count too you know).

I'm older than her. You show Respect for Oldsters, Uncles, Aunties. 
You don't pull Uncle's hair.. or whatever.

When Nana went to meet me, Angel made funny noises;

squeezed me so tight i nearly showed my longest claw.(Matter of reflex, you understand.)

But I exercise self-control.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

i was a rag cat

I was rescued from  Discovered @ Cat Welfare Haven.
My folks found Discovered me in

Roving Top Cats

Theyshowed boasted a pic of me with my Blue Eyes.

 My folks liked Fell In Love With Me.
Told the Haven why THEY and no one else should have me: they've got a place for me to smell roses and lick grasses, a veggie plot to...blahhh...... it was quite pathetic.

The Guardian Angels were aghast.
They preferred INTERIORS to EXTERIORS so I wouldn't pick up daisies, dizzies, and stuff...
But our Cat Haven was filling up fast.
New pals saved from Nasty Fates kept drifting in
as the human No-angels kept throwing out their cat-pals
like old rags.

All quite cat-tastrofic.

I was a Rag Cat too (though more special of course)and here's a MESSAGE fur purtential No-Angels:

Giddy Furballs ALWAYS turn into Cats
(or Dogs or Rabbits). 
No doubts 'bout it.

Angels of this world should spread this secret so all Humans are clear about 2 things:


You don't weasel out of some lots, no sirr you don't.

Yours FaithFUR'ly,
Mister Mocs :=x)

ME yesteryear - a Budding Force 
still wet behind d'years.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Mocca's CAT-A-LOG ...

And about time too, hrrmph!

My digital Catfolio is busting the seams. (A Digital chief was waay off the catwalk to predict there's no reason to have a computer at home.)

I pose good; but Nana drives hard.
There's only so much a cat can take.
Look what happened to wee Charlotte Gray. 
Made to do The Sphinx over n over, she collapsed into

a Kow-tow Kitty...

and she died. She did.

(I'm not a-cussing any One of any thing, you understand?
I know this is no "epic..damned..logical".. or some such study.
 But the associations... they get me curious 
and make my hair stand. They do.) 

And dizzy Charlotte hadn't even dreamt of her own CAT-A-LOG.

Sometimes I hold a pose and Nana grabs the camera; 
but humans, they LUMBER know???
 and they lose it. 

And I get the furrr. sheeesh!

She sneaks up n hits me with the Flashes 
 in the dead of night too.

I feign sleep n she's none the wiser. heh! ...

I tell you, it gets very'tating.

Am hoping she'll leave me alone.

To Think.

Pusssscat.. hey you other Domestic Divas & Divos

  Your welcome aboard with your mews & news, n 'arfs too

from time to time.

Yours FaithFURly is mov'in on....

From Pose to Posts
